A recent study found that offshore drug manufacturing plants are more likely to suffer quality problems than their U.S. mainland counterparts, report news sources.
The study, conducted by researchers at Ohio State University, compared manufacturing plants on the U.S. mainland with plants in Puerto Rico. All plants were owned by U.S. pharmaceutical firms, and researchers took measures that the plants were as similar as possible—same owner, manufacturing the same or similar drugs, similar work conditions.
Despite all of the similarities, the offshore plants had a slightly higher risk of quality problems. Researchers concluded that the gap stemmed from “knowledge transfer challenges due to cultural differences.” Study authors noted that the savings gained from moving manufacturing operations offshore carries an increased risk of quality problems that could lead to a recall.
Researchers are conducting further investigation to get a clearer picture of the study findings. The study appears in the November 11 issue of the Journal of Operations Management.
As a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer, patient safety is something I am very aware of; I urge drug makers to take all possible product safety measures. Because of my experience as a product defect lawyer, I know that people rely on their medications to maintain their health and, in some cases, sustain their lives. I encourage anyone who is experiencing adverse affects from a drug to contact their physician right away.