A new study suggest that tanning bed radiation may be more carcinogenic than previously thought, according to recent news sources.
The study, published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, showed that significant damage is caused by the ultraviolet rays which penetrate deep into the skin. The study looked at people who were exposed to UVA1 (ultraviolet rays from tanning beds) and UVB (shorter wavelength ultraviolet rays) light. UVA1 induced lesions and penetrated to the base layer of skin, causing more damage than the UVB, which also caused lesions.
In California, tanning beds are outlawed for children under 18. Tanning beds are known to increase the risk of melanoma. Formerly in California, children ages 14-17 could tan with a parent’s written permission.
As a Los Angeles personal injury attorney, I’m glad to see that our state has begun to take steps to limit the exposure of these dangerous devices. In my experience as a product liability lawyer, I’ve seen how the dangers of some products and practices are often unknown until many years after the release of the product. If you or someone you care about has been injured by a dangerous product or device, I advise you to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.