You know you’re living in an era of widespread technological innovation when the Food and Drug Administration is instituting new rules regarding the advancement of nanotechnology.
Today, the FDA has issued draft guidance meant to govern how cosmetics companies and food producers implement nanotech. Nanotechnology, for those that are unaware, is a fabricated material that is so tiny so as to be immeasurable by a common microscope. Measured in nanometers, scientists can potentially create and further manipulate such materials in order to alter food packaging or cosmetic viability.
The first draft guidance issued is entitled “Guidance for Industry: Safety of Nanomaterials in Cosmetic Products.” It emphasizes the fact that nanomaterials don’t preclude the legal requirements already in place to make sure that cosmetics are safe. It also goes further by saying that new or altered safety tests might need to be instituted in order to guarantee nanomaterial product safety.
The other draft guidance concerns food. It tasks manufacturers with carefully consideing how nanotechnology could change the production process and affect the safety, identity, and regulatory status of the food product in question. The FDA is also requesting that both food and cosmetic manufacturers consult with them before bringing nanotech items to market.
This is a brave new world for a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer. As technology progresses, so must safety. The constant outgrowth of product regulation is the only way to keep consumers safe, and I’ll be closely paying attention as a San Diego personal injury attorney to any breakthroughs made in this exciting new field.