Students at Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School got to experience the difficulty of driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol with their own eyes recently, just in time for graduation and prom ceremonies. Students at the high school were invited to use a high tech virtual reality simulation that recreates the experience of driving while intoxicated. The PEERS AWARE III Simulation System utilizes a replica automobile and virtual reality goggles to demonstrate the safety issues caused by intoxication in a computerized recreation of real world highway conditions. The brakes and steering wheel of the stationary model vehicle have been calibrated to simulate the reaction delays caused by having a blood alcohol content exceeding the legal limit. Some students reported having difficulty controlling the virtual vehicle even when the goggles were calibrated to simulate a blood alcohol content below the legal limit. The simulation program is currently touring high schools across the United States. A new innovation to the PEERS AWARE III Simulation System will recreate the conditions of text messaging while driving. The simulation was brought to Vernon-Verona-Sherrill High School as a result of an effort by the school’s Students Against Drunk Driving club.
As a San Diego car accident lawyer, I hope that this safety instruction program is successful in making the roads less dangerous for young drivers. If you or someone you love has been injured in a traffic collision, please consider contacting a car accident attorney in San Jose.