Not all cases are as cut and dried as initially suspected. In the March issue of Advocate, Kevin Boyle and Robert Glassman, two members of our firm, talk about the challenges that awaited them when they took a personal injury case involving an intoxicated minor who was liable in an automobile accident.
During an exploration of the circumstances surrounding the case, our firm discovered that the minor had been bar-hopping with a fake ID, and thus had been served by numerous establishments despite the fact he was a minor who was clearly intoxicated. Our attorneys determined that the bars themselves could be held liable for the ensuing collision.
Our firm established this liability by utilizing three key strategies: retaining an expert toxicologist, hiring an individual who could speak about standards of care in bartending, and successfully arguing against the applicability of Proposition 51.
In the Advocate article, Boyle and Glassman detail how and why these strategies were crafted, as well as how they allowed us to gain compensation for our client.