I have another recall to share with all of you today, this time concerning a product that could endanger both canines and human beings.
20 and 40 pound bags of Apex Chicken and Rice Dog Food have been recalled by Apex Pet Foods because the items in question might contain salmonella. The products, which were created only on January 24 of this year, were available solely throughout South Carolina. Both sizes of dog food will have a best by date of January 23, 2013 and a production code of ACD0101B32.
It’s unclear what necessitated the recall, as the announcement takes pains to say that no items have tested positive for salmonella. Nevertheless, customers are being advised to contact the company to receive a refund on the product. Consumers will also be able to exchange the product if they prefer.
Concerned pet owners should be on the lookout for signs that would signify their pet has contracted salmonella. Symptoms include lethargy, diarrhea, and vomiting. People that have handled the dog food might also be at risk, and should consult a physician should they begin to experience fever, nausea, cramping, and more.
No human or canine illnesses have been reported at this time.
I’m sorry to see yet another potentially contaminated product as a Los Angeles personal injury attorney. The threat of salmonella in both pets and humans should not be taken lightly, and it’s my hope as a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco that all affected persons out there adhere to these recall instructions.