The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has partnered with Health Canada and the Dayton, New Jersey-based Kennedy International to announce a recall of folding step stools that were sold between January 2010 and January 2012. The stools, which have been sold at various retailers, including TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Home Goods, can break or collapse suddenly, causing the user to suffer an injury. There has already been one reported fractured leg and two back injuries related to the product defect, plus a dozen more complaints where the incident took place but did not injure a user.
64,000 of these stools reside in Canada, not a small amount by any metric, but an astonishing 1.6 million are scattered throughout America. The stools measure 9 or 13 inches in length, come in a wide variety of colors, have 3575 or 3576 as their style number, and in some instances, bare the words Kennedy Home Collection. The stools sold for an estimated $8 to $12.
Kennedy International is requesting that the product’s use should be discontinued immediately. Consumers should contact the company directly to obtain instructions on how to go about getting a refund on the item, which was manufactured in China. All those persons who have additional concerns are being instructed to visit Kennedy’s website or else give them a call between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm.