With Christmas in the rearview mirror, many families will turn their attention to engaging in those activities most often associated with winter. Some of those activities, like ice skating and fishing, rely on the formation of ice over bodies of water. For persons taking part in such things, safety should remain paramount, which is why Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering a few safety tips.
One first needs to understand when stepping out onto the ice is safe. Officials with the aforementioned organization advise that four inches should be adequate when skating or fishing. For snowmobiling, tack on an additional inch. To further verify that safety can be assured, be on the lookout for cracks or standing water atop the ice. Snow, bubbles, and discoloration of the water are other signs that the surface isn’t stable, and you should stay away thusly.
You also ought to be safe even when the ice is suitable for winter activities. Have someone with you in case something goes wrong, and always utilize a life jacket should the ice end up cracking and sending you into the water. Should that occur, be sure not to struggle or exercise rapid swimming motions, as you’ll lose heat faster that way. Instead, position the upper half of your person above the water and do what you can to get out. Have a rope and an ice pick on hand so that you and your companions can react properly to such a dangerous situation.