If you’re a small business owner, you’ll need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to protect your workers and customers from harm, as doing so protects you should you ever be on the receiving end of a personal injury lawsuit. Although large corporations dedicate entire workforces to covering this aspect of business, many upstart companies let safety slide and leave themselves open to a dangerous situation.
A new report explains how to mitigate some of those risks, and it starts with the proper training of employees. With summer here, it’s important that even your seasonal employees are adequately trained. Even though they won’t be around that long, they have to have a deep understanding of how all equipment works. If you don’t make this a priority, any injury could entail a lawsuit.
You also have to keep your establishment in tip-top shape, for employees and customers alike. Something as simple as a slick floor or a piece of debris can create a fall hazard. You should be doing safety sweeps every day, keeping an eye out for something that could injure an individual.
You’ll also want to have adequate insurance coverage. The minimum typically doesn’t suffice when an injured party sues you for damages. Speak with an insurance agent to obtain coverage for those instances where you overlook some safety hazard and it injures someone.
Finally, have an emergency plan in place for instances when severe weather threatens the area. For California, for instance, you might have an earthquake plan.