The baby boomer generation is aging, and as a result, there are perhaps more older employees contributing to the workforce than ever before. Employers have to be ready for the unique challenges this will pose, taking certain safety precautions that keep older workers (and, as a matter of fact, all workers) safe. A new report offers advice on how to do that.
First, businesses should strive to eliminate tripping and fall hazards that could accumulate in a given work environment. Walking paths should be kept clear, not just of solid materials but of anything that could make the surface slick. If something like oil, water, or other types of chemicals spill onto the ground, they need to be wiped up at once so that someone doesn’t fall. Otherwise, this could lead to a slip and fall lawsuit that no employer wants to deal with.
Attention should also be placed on helping a worker’s vision and hearing. Employers can help workers by consistently stressing the necessity for regular eye exams and providing eye protection in those environments where such a thing is necessary. As far as hearing goes, do what you can to limit exposure to extremely loud noises. Where appropriate, workers should be offered ear plugs so that they don’t suffer longterm hearing damage.
Finally, have signage outlining possible hazards where those dangers pop up, and do whatever else you can to meet the unique circumstances of your workplace.