Flights are going to be jam-packed over the next couple months as families criss-cross the world for the holidays. If you’re planning a long distance trip to another country, then you have to use extra caution when taking children with you. Some kids may be in for a bit of a culture shock, but even more than that, there might be certain safety concerns to take into account that don’t come to bear here in the states. Therefore, you may think about the tips on hand from a report from the New York Times.
The article points out that one of the biggest precautions that parents should take is with vehicles. There are countries where automobiles don’t have to meet the rigorous safety standards of the United States. The author relates an anecdote where the car she rented did not have seatbelts in the back for her children, and it was up to her to bring seatbelts from home for safety.
Check up on the state of a rental car before you go, particularly if you have young children who are going to need a car seat. Familiarize yourself with some of the signage you may encounter while driving, and try to stick to roads that are in good repair as suggested by a guide.
You also have to be aware of the possible infection risk. One pediatrician interviewed notes that, while parents may worry about exotic illnesses, things like ear infections are always going to be more common. You may want to bring along a prescribed antibiotic in case your child suffers some sort of illness while away from home.