If, during the Christmas holiday or any other part of this winter, you find yourself stuck in the midst of dangerous weather, you have to be able to cope with everything that Mother Nature throws at you out on the road. This may require some tricks that you may not need to exercise at other times of the year, and thankfully, a new report out of Grand Rapids, Michigan, offers up some of those tricks with help from a local driving instructor.
One big mistake that people make even before they get behind the wheel is taking an ice scraper only to their windshield. If there’s still snow on the rest of your car, that snow could be whipped backward and diminish other drivers’ ability to see the road. If it’s on your hood, your own visibility can be compromised. Take the scraper or brush to your entire vehicle.
Visibility can also be improved by always keeping lights on, especially during inclement weather. You should hit the brakes early to give yourself and those behind you plenty of time to stop. This will also require looking far ahead to ensure that you’re able to respond appropriately.
You should also strive to communicate your intent to others by proper usage of signals. Turn signals must be applied well in advance, and if an emergency occurs, flick on your flashers and slowly pull over to an appropriate spot.