Yong Yang: Attorney Ryan Casey Responds to LAPD’s Release of Fatal Shooting Video

Posted on May 17, 2024

Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP attorney Ryan Casey, representing the family of Yong Yang who was fatally shot by LAPD while he was experiencing a mental health episode, has issued the following statements in response LAPD’s release of Critical Incident Community Briefing Video and narrative of the fatal shooting:

“On May 2, 2024, an LAPD officer brutally shot and killed a mentally ill man in his parent’s home. Yong Yang’s death was needless, unjustified, and never should have happened. No parent should have to experience the death of their child and with the release of the LAPD Critical Incident Video, Yong’s family members are experiencing his death over and over again”.  

“Yong’s parents called the Department of Mental Health seeking help for their son because he was experiencing a serious mental health episode. In the video released by the LAPD, the Yang’s intentions were evident and clearly communicated to both the LAPD and to the Department of Mental Health. Multiple times throughout the video, Dr. Yang is heard pleading for help to get his son to a hospital, and a Department of Mental Health employee who responded to the scene is heard relaying to officers that Yong suffered from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.”  

“The Yangs placed their trust in the Department of Mental Health and the Los Angeles Police Department to help them and their son. That trust was broken. Rather than display compassion and sympathy for a human being in the throes of mental illness and attempt to de-escalate the situation, the Los Angeles Police Department entered the Yang’s home, and in a matter of seconds, shot their son dead in their living room. As the video shows, Yong was visibly terrified and confused about what was happening in the moments before he was killed.”  

“At the time the LAPD chose to enter the Yang’s home, their son Yong was alone and contained within their home. There were no pressing circumstances — Yong was not a hazard or risk of harm to anyone. By choosing to enter the home when they did, and in the manner they did, the LAPD escalated the situation resulting in a needless shooting of an innocent son.”

“Yong Yang belonged in a hospital, not a morgue. The Yang family deserved more from the city they call home. We demand a full investigation, complete transparency, and release of all evidence in this case.”

The Yang family is represented in the matter by attorneys Adam K. Shea, Ryan Casey, and Nicholas Yoka of Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP and co-counsel, Howard B. Kim of the Law Offices of Howard B. Kim.

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