Adam Shea
Alex Behar
Andrew Owen
- Resolving Cases Faster For Maximum Value
- An “executive summary” for your plaintiff’s case
- Pleading Punitive Damages
- Designated Hit: Expert designations
- The defense medical examination: Protecting your clients and their cases from improper examinations and interrogations during DMEs
- Company accident reports: A guide to compelling their production over defendant’s objections
Brian Panish
Erika Contreras
Ian Samson
Jesse Creed
Jessie Kohler
John Shaller
Jonathan Davidi
Jordan Phillips
Julia Armendariz
Lyssa Roberts
Melody Saadian
Nadine Khedry
Nicholas Yoka
Paul Traina
Pete Kaufman
Peter J. Polos
Rachel Gezerseh
Rahul Ravipudi
- Incendiary Behavior
- Strategies for Effective Use of Offers of Judgment
- NRCP 16.1 Under Attack
- How One Child’s Drowning Changed Pool Safety Laws In California
- Requiring a School District to Protect Students in the Wake of a Tragedy
- Destruction or withholding of evidence by the defense may leave the defendant defenseless
- Danger on the docks
- When The State Stonewalls Your Discovery
Robert Glassman
- Premises-liability cases involving third-party criminal conduct
- The benefits of using treating doctors at trial
- Duties and Responsibilities of Commercial Truck Drivers Driving in Fog
- Big crash, big problem
- How One Child’s Drowning Changed Pool Safety Laws In California
- 5 Tips for Plaintiff Attorneys to Move Their Case Towards a Quicker Resolution
- From The Trenches: The spontaneous statement exception to the hearsay rule
- Requiring a School District to Protect Students in the Wake of a Tragedy
- Preparing Damages Witnesses for Trial
- Barristers Set Annual Bench-Meets-Bar Reception
- The “obviously intoxicated minors” statute
- Mock Juries: When to use them and how to organize them
Ryan Casey
- Navigating Privette requires a bit of magic these days
- Well pleaded
- Keys to ‘On-Demand’ Transportation Cases
- Designated Hit: Expert designations
- Pitch-ing for the win: How a pitchess motion can be used to obtain crucial evidence in motor-vehicle collision cases where one or more defedants is in law enforcement
- The stipulated protective order and defendant’s documents
- Proving the trucking negligence case
- Destruction or withholding of evidence by the defense may leave the defendant defenseless
- Finding traction for your defective tire case
- Mock Juries: When to use them and how to organize them
- Los Angeles Lawyer Virtual Reality of Depositions Under COVID-19
Spencer Lucas
- Exclusive remedy? Not today! – Unlicensed contractors and their workers
- The risks and rewards of bench trials
- The science of the sympathetic nervous system in complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
- Defeating defendant’s “junk science” in a rear-ender trial
- There is no such thing as a “mild” traumatic brain injury
- Proving the trucking negligence case