Stay Safe When You Or Your Kids Use An ATV This Fall
Although it’s going to be getting cooler in the next few months, there still may be a large amount of California citizens taking to the back of an ATV. Safety precautions must always be taken atop such vehicles, especially when dealing with children. A new report relates some tips on ensuring safety. First, parents must… read more
Take Steps To Prevent Injury While Doing Fall Yard Work
Many people around California are about to engage in various types of yard work now that fall is here. But if you fit into this category, you must be willing to take the proper safety precautions or else potentially face a serious injury. To make sure that doesn’t happen, consider the safety tips included in… read more
Glendora Pledges Expansion Of Enforcement Efforts
Thanks to a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, police in the city of Glendora will be able to put forth a series of traffic safety initiatives over the course of the next year. And with statistics showing a rapid proliferation in the number of fatalities and injures associated with drug consumption and… read more
Testing Shows Vehicle Pet Harnesses Fail To Pass Muster
New research has been released which points to overwhelming deficiencies associated with harnesses designed to keep pets in place during a car trip. The Center for Pet Safety recently put seven of these devices to the test, and they came away with disappointing findings. Only one product was shown to keep a 55 pound crash… read more
Research Shows Children Can Severely Distract Parents At The Wheel
A new study from the Monash University Accident Research Centre delves into the impact that having children in the car can have on a parent, with the results suggesting that a kid can actually prove more distracting than many other hazards. 12 families were analyzed for the study, and if a parent with a child… read more
Shutdown Leaves Safety Agencies Unable To Conduct Duties
The government shutdown is already having an impact on the safety of the American public. Among those agencies that are being partially shuttered as a result of the stalemate in Washington are the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the Food and Drug Administration. The repercussions for lack of action… read more
Chances Of Hitting A Deer Grow Smaller, But Precautions Still Needed
A new survey from State Farm Insurance delves into the likelihood of an individual hitting a deer, and the good news is that your odds of avoiding such a collision are better than they were last year. The bad news is that deer population has actually gone up in recent years, and the damage that… read more
New York Texting Zones Spur Debate
Not long ago, we brought you word of New York’s creation of texting zones as a bid to reduce instances of distracted driving along highways. The thinking is that we live in a society when people almost compulsively have to check their phones when they buzz. The urge to text for some is simply too… read more
Swimming Safety Still Vital During The Fall
Although we’re well into fall at this point in the year, there’s always a chance here in Southern California that the weather will be warm enough to go for a swim outdoors. Plus, we can’t forget the numerous indoor lap pools scattered around the state. Because of this, it’s important to consider some of the… read more
Governor Signs Law Boosting Bike and Pedestrian Safety in California
The Governor of California has signed a measure that seeks to keep the state’s Safe Routes to School program going for the foreseeable future. $129 million is being earmarked for various transportation safety issues, with a particular emphasis on getting children more interested in biking and walking to and from school. To bolster this desire… read more
FHA and FMCSA Allowed To Continue Operation During Shutdown
The government shutdown may be having a severe impact on safety throughout the country, but one area it reportedly is not going to impact, at least in the short-term, is various highway safety projects. Because the Highway Trust Fund provides the funds necessary for the continued operation of the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal… read more
Ondansetron, Metoclopramide Injections Recalled Over Particulate Risk
Ondansetron Injections and Metoclopramide Injections are being recalled from across the country because of the potential presence of glass particulates within the products. Two lots of the former and one of the latter are impacted by the recall, and they would have been sent to medical facilities and pharmacies around the country between this past… read more