FDA Walks Fine Line With Medical App Regulation
The proliferation of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) has left the Food and Drug Administration in a bit of conundrum. The agency must be strict in its oversight of the development of apps that could be construed as medical devices while at the same time not pose unwieldy restrictions on app developers. To walk that… read more
Be Prepared To Use Your Fire Extinguisher Properly
Fire extinguisher safety is, unfortunately, somewhat lax in many homes and businesses. While most would agree about the necessity of having a fire extinguisher on hand to take care of any blazes, far too many purchase a single unit and the leave it at that. The truth is, fire extinguishers graded for various types of… read more
Guidelines May Provide Legitimacy To California Ride-Share Programs
Ride-sharing services recently came under fire by taxi companies and safety advocates who were concerned that the drivers weren’t being put through the proper training procedures and that they lacked the qualifications to safely transport passengers. Now, California is making a large stride toward ensuring the safety of such services. Yesterday, the California Public Utilities… read more
Consumer Reports Closes Out Child Passenger Safety Week
Tomorrow is the final day of National Child Passenger Safety Week, and we’ve been bringing you tips and information related to safety events throughout California over the course of the past few days. We thought we’d use this last day of the week to close out the event in style, bringing you some final safety… read more
Precautions Hunters Can Take To Avoid Accidental Discharge Injuries
Various hunting seasons have started or are about to start in California, and if you plan on going out on a hunt anytime soon, it’s important to revisit the proper safety precautions so that you and those you share the area with aren’t placed in danger. A new report out of Texas, while geared toward… read more
Puma Sighting Prompts Safety Insights From Burbank Police
Earlier this week, a puma was spotted in the Burbank area, and now the police department of that city is offering a series of tips to residents in Southern California in order to help stay safe from mountain lions. Residents are encouraged to provide supervision anytime a pet or a child is let outside. So… read more
Governor Poised To Make Decision On Limo Safety Bill
The Governor has a decision to make in terms of limousine safety in California. Spurred on by a recent limousine fire along a San Mateo bridge that cost five people their lives, lawmakers put together measures that seek to boost safety of all those limousines that are designed for less than ten people. The Governor… read more
Start Smart Classes Provided To Teens By California Highway Patrol
Parents with teenage drivers are being encouraged to help those teens get the proper driving education. Once a month until the end of the year, the California Highway Patrol will be hosting Start Smart classes to interested parties. What separates this from some other training courses is the fact that parents are invited to drop… read more
Consumer Reports Puts Anti-Distraction Device Through Its Paces
Parents who attempt to prevent their teenagers from using their cellphones at the wheel have a tall task ahead of them, but success is not impossible to achieve, especially with current technologies. One of those technologies, DriveID, has been tested out by Consumer Reports, which notes how it and systems like it can be used… read more
Bay Area Car Seat Checks Encourage Safe Installation
Parents in the Bay Area of California will be able to take advantage of free car seat training from the California Highway Patrol this weekend, and officials are calling such activities essential to ensuring safety. Persons with experience with car seat inspections note that having a car seat perfectly secured is an exceedingly rare occurrence,… read more
Taking The Right Angle With Car Seat Safety
A lot of attention has been paid this week to how to properly install a child’s car seat, which isn’t surprising given the week’s moniker of National Child Passenger Safety Week. That said, there has been one topic that hasn’t been covered as intensely by most media outlets, and that’s the importance of ensuring that… read more
San Mateo Police Give Advice On Preventing Business Burglary
Yesterday, we related some important information about how homeowners can protect their residences from harm in the form of burglary. But it’s not just living spaces that need attention. It’s also important that business owners do what they can to protect their space from harm. The Police Department of San Mateo, California, concerned about a… read more