Tips Relate How Farmers Can Be Kept Safe From Electrical Threats
For many farmers, football season also marks the dawn of the harvest season. Farmers across the state and the country will soon be taking part in numerous harvesting activities, which could signal a jump in the number of injuries that take place in rural areas. With that in mind, the folks at MidAmerican Energy have… read more
Remove The Temptations That Lead to Distracted Driving
A new report provides a series of tips that focus largely on how to prevent distracting acts while at the wheel. For those drivers that have trouble putting down the phone, the advice is essential in order to improve safety. It’s hard not to take a call or shoot a quick glance at a text… read more
PHMSA Looks Into Rail Car Safety Proposals
A spat of recent train accidents, especially one derailment incident in Quebec, Canada that led to the deaths of 47 people, has led many safety advocates to call for improvements to rail cars designed to transport hazardous materials. Now, a key federal agency has announced its intention to look into safety improvements. The proposals coming… read more
How To Avoid Danger When Your Car Is Struck By Lightning
A new report attempts to inform citizens of the danger posed when a vehicle is struck by lightning. It’s clear from the information on hand that the severity of the threat will hinge on what kind of vehicle is being driven and how the persons inside react. The story provides guidance from the National Lightning… read more
Numerous Agencies Work To Observe Rail Safety Month
September is Rail Safety Month in California, and Amtrak, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and the California Department of Transportation are partnering to raise awareness about this important issue. A new article takes a look at the myriad ways the agencies have worked to promote safety in the past and the present. For… read more
Puget Sound Energy Provides Natural Gas Detection Tips
A new report provides some important tips on detecting a leak of natural gas and going into action in order to stay safe when such an emanation occurs. The advice, which comes from the Washington-based Puget Sound Energy, notes that natural gas contains an odorant put in place by gas providers so that it can… read more
Dakota Laboratories Ceases Distribution Following Reported Violations
Following a series of inspections that reportedly turned up potential safety issues, Dakota Laboratories will be unable to manufacture or distribute drugs until they can prove that the problems have been corrected. This consent decree of permanent injunction was requested by the Food and Drug Administration after inspections from 2010 through 2012 turned up violations… read more
Precautions To Take When Swimming In Open Waters
Pools may be the safest choice for those that want to get some swimming exercise in, but there are those who want to get a little more from their workout. Just like some runners may prefer jogging to the tedium of a treadmill, so too might some swimmers like to get out in the open… read more
Results From Labor Day Crackdown Beginning To Pour In
Over the long Labor Day Weekend, police officials across the state of California were focused on cracking down on those persons who were intoxicated at the wheel. Now, news is starting to come out about how successful those efforts were. A new report about those results places particular focus on the Bay Area. On Sunday… read more
Pack Safety In With Your Child’s School Lunch
Parents who pack lunches for their school-bound children must take steps to ensure that those kids aren’t going to be exposed to foodborne illness. All it takes is for a lunch to be set out for a minute too long for an illness to be incurred, and given children’s propensity to share and trade lunch… read more
Tragedy Prompts New Warnings About Hot Car Safety
Prompted by a recent tragedy in which a young child was killed after being left in a hot vehicle, the Chicago Tribune has released a report focused on raising awareness about the serious issue. With help from the KidsandCars organization, the article provides some guidance to parents so that such events never happen. As the… read more
Chobani Yogurt Pulled Over Concerns About Swelling
Although the company has not gone so far as to call the move a recall, Chobani is making an effort to remove a series of Greek yogurt products from circulation. The removal took place this past Friday after the company became concerned about about reports of swelling within the yogurt cups. After initiating an investigation,… read more