Safety Improvements Abound on Playgrounds
With school out for the summer, many children are taking to local playgrounds to pass the time. Parents might worry that unexpected safety hazards might crop up on such environments, but as a new report from NPR discloses, such playgrounds may actually be safer than they’ve ever been. Armed with research and knowledge about what’s… read more
NTSB Says V2V Communication Can Boost School Bus Safety
Yesterday, we reported on how the National Transportation Safety Board was meeting to discuss what could be done to improve the safety of school buses in response to two deadly crashes from 2012. Many had expected the NTSB to urge the government to adopt safety regulations that might include mandatory seatbelt shoulder harnesses or pads… read more
Serious Injuries Potentially Await Divers Who Bellyflop Into The Water
A new report explores the potential danger posed by bellyflops. Although seemingly innocuous, such a “dive” can actually prove quite hazardous once the height becomes sufficient. If you’re visiting a body of water this summer, make sure that you dive as safely as possible. Attention is first paid to exploring what happens to the body… read more
CHP’s Interstate 80 Challenge Enforcement Operation To Begin Today
Beginning today, numerous law enforcement entities from across the country will be taking part in an initiative designed to encourage safety all along Interstate 80. Known as the I-80 Challenge, the operation will feature the efforts of the California Highway Patrol, who will be cracking down on dangerous drivers between the Nevada state line and… read more
TS30 and TS35 Coach Buses Recalled Due to Injury Hazard
TS30 and TS35 coach buses of the 2007 through 2013 model years are being recalled by Temsa Global because of a potential missing label. The label, which could be gone from 249 of these buses, is supposed to direct occupants toward the release mechanism for the closest emergency exit window, but when that’s missing, persons… read more
Drop-Side Failure Risk Prompts Recall of 3,900 Rockland Cribs
The Taiwan-based Nan Far Woodworking has announced the recall of round Rockland Furniture cribs that were only sold at J.C. Penney between the beginning of January 2005 and the end of 2008. These cribs, which will each contain a model number of 343-8314, have drop-sides that are in danger of not working properly. If they… read more
FDA Steers Consumers Away From Fraudulent Diabetes Drugs
The Food and Drug Administration has released a consumer health update geared toward those persons who suffer from diabetes. In particular, the organization is attempting to warn consumers about the danger posed by purported treatment options that fail to meet the standards set by the FDA for labeling. What separates this warning from others of… read more
Do Your Research Before Agreeing to Unsolicited Home Repair Work
One situation that many residents of California might be confronted with in the coming weeks is a door-to-door salesperson dropping by to offer work unsolicited. Unfortunately, there’s a chance that this person’s services might be fraudulent or come at a cost that consumers weren’t expecting. The Better Business Bureau has offered some advice to citizens… read more
Road Debris Clogging California Highways and Endangering Drivers
If you’ve driven on California roads and highways for any substantial amount of time, no doubt you’ve seen some type of large debris placed in or alongside lanes of travel. A new report shows that this refuse can pose a severe hazard to travelers. The report relates the tragic case of a California Highway Patrol… read more
When Filling A Cooler, Be Sure You Don’t Pack Foodborne Illness
Many people taking trips to the beach or a California park will opt to bring along a cooler, but the worry is that improper packing could leave one susceptible to foodborne illness. If you’re preparing meat and other perishable food and storing it in a cooler at any point this summer, then heed the tips… read more
NTSB Examining School Bus Accidents With Eye Toward Reform
Prompted by recent accidents, the National Transportation Safety Board is looking into the possible adoption of new safety standards on school buses. The NTSB will meet today to analyze what happened in two separates bus accidents from 2012 that each killed a single student and injured a handful of others. In each instance, the bus… read more
Sibutramine Presence Prompts Herbal Give Care to Recall Supplements
Two products, one designed to control nervous appetite and one meant to help burn fat, are being recalled by the Grand Prairie, Texas-based Herbal Give Care due to the presence of an undeclared drug that could harm users. Esbelin siloutte and Esbeli siloutte te Herbal Blend with L-Carnitine are each being recalled because of the… read more