Be Safe No Matter Where You Drive This Summer
A number of tips are being offered by the American Red Cross in order to ensure the summer is going to remain safe for citizens all across the country. No matter where you drive this summer, be it to work or to take your family on a long overdue vacation, the advice would be important… read more
Texting and Driving Ban Draws Near in Virginia
At the beginning of July, Virginia will join the ranks of those states that have made it illegal to text and drive. Such a move is only appropriate considering that the oft-cited statistics that texting leaves one 23 times as likely to be in a crash and that it takes a person’s eyes away from… read more
Dietary Supplements Recalled By Beta Labs Due To DMAA Presence
Four types of dietary supplements are being recalled by Beta Labs because of the presence of DMAA, a substance that could cause health issues in persons consuming the items. The recall pertains to one lot each of Red Vipers, Phentalene, and Phen FX and two lots of Oxyphen XR. The presence of DMAA in the… read more
Preventing Fire and Carbon Monoxide Hazards Throughout The Summer
Summer is officially here, and with warmer weather comes an increase in the number of activities that could pose a carbon monoxide poisoning or fire hazard. It’s imperative that you know how to safely operate fuel-burning equipment, otherwise you could leave you and your family open to a potential danger. Thus, you might want to… read more
Elder Financial Abuse Takes Many Forms
Elder abuse can come in many forms, and it’s not always abuse of the physical kind. Many scams are designed to gain access to an elderly individual’s financial accounts. As a representative of the Kansas Plains chapter of the Better Business Bureau explains in a new report, frauds prey on senior citizens because they’ve had… read more
Automakers Turn Their Attention To Whiplash Prevention
A new report delves into the steps that certain automakers are taking to ensure consumers are protected from the threat of whiplash in the event of a crash. It’s interesting to see how the approach to this topic has changed even in just the past decade. In 2002, insurance organizations began to test protection against… read more
Small Businesses Require Big Safety Measures
If you’re a small business owner, you’ll need to make sure that you’re doing everything you can to protect your workers and customers from harm, as doing so protects you should you ever be on the receiving end of a personal injury lawsuit. Although large corporations dedicate entire workforces to covering this aspect of business,… read more
Tesla Attempts To Solve The Long-Distance Electric Car Dilemma
Even as officials try to get citizens across the country to adopt the electric car, one problem has remained: driving long distances on a charge. Now, Tesla hopes to do something about this issue with the development of a system that allows drivers to switch out their depleted battery with a completely charged one. Hawthorne,… read more
Four Types of Motorhomes Recalled By Forest River Due to Fire Risk
Lexington, Sunseeker, Solera, and Forester motorhomes of the 2014 model year are being recalled by Forest River because of a potential problem with the battery isolation manager. On 289 of these vehicles, this component could experience a short circuit. This can lead to the emanation of smoke in conjunction with melting. It could even create… read more
V60 Ventilators Recalled By Respironics California Over Injury Risk
V60 ventilators are being recalled by Respironics California because of a potential software issue that could compromise patient safety. The items were made available across the country between November 16, 2009 and March 28 of this year. The Power Management Board Assembly, if it experiences a component failure, may lead to support being taken away… read more
Advice On Boosting Safety When Riding A Bicycle
With beautiful summer weather nearly upon California, many people might think about switching to a bicycle for their commute. Still others might take to their bikes on a regular basis just for recreational purposes. But no matter why you hop onto the bike, you have to ensure safety when you head out. To that end,… read more
Kisai Watch Alerts Users To Their State of Intoxication
Interlock devices have been catching on as of late as a means to prevent drunk drivers from being able to start a vehicle if their breath clocks in at a given Blood Alcohol Content level. However, these devices are not mandatory in automobiles, and the number of previously convicted drunk drivers who have been forced… read more