Help Kids Avoid the Dangers Hiding In Your Very Own Yard
Many injuries incurred by children during the summer take place right in the child’s own backyard. Safety threats lurk in places you might not expect, and as a parent, it’s your duty to ensure that your children’s immediate environment doesn’t pose any unnecessary hazards. Thus, it’s imperative that you take into consideration some of the… read more
Worldwide Road Fatality Rates Drop, But Pedestrians Still Endangered
A new study takes a look at overall traffic fatality rates from around the world, and the news is both good and bad. Although fatalities are lower than they’ve ever been across the globe since such research has been conducted, pedestrian safety continues to lag behind the safety of vehicle occupants. The study, known as… read more
Research Illustrates The Cost of Not Wearing a Helmet
It’s still just barely Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and thus it’s the perfect time to take a look at a study which illustrates the importance of always wearing a motorcycle helmet. The research demonstrates that repealing helmet laws can have a severe impact on safety along the roads. The Highway Loss Data Institute carried out… read more
Debate Continues Over Da Vinci Surgical System’s Safety
Robots are being used in hospitals more frequently, but as a new report shows us, there’s likely going to be quite a bit of litigation before the technology is widely accepted. Sparking a debate over the safety of such technology is the Da Vinci Surgical System from the Sunnyvale, California-based Intuitive Surgical. Although the machine… read more
Caterpillar Unrolls System to Combat Fatigued Driving
Increasingly worried about the common nature of crashes related to fatigued driving, particularly in the mining industry, Caterpillar will begin offering drivers a $20,000 system known as Driver Safety Solution that keeps track of signals which could be indicative of a driver falling asleep. Different from other systems in that it doesn’t require any additional… read more
Fresh Thai Jammin Peppers Recalled By Chula Vista Company
Fresh Thai Jammin Peppers are being recalled by the Chula Vista, California-based Fruit Treasure because of a possible Salmonella contamination. The products were available across California and come in 25 pound packages that were made provided to retailers between April 7 and 10. No one has reported getting sick in association with any of the… read more
Da Vinci Maker Warns About Potential for Inadvertent Burns
Recently, Intuitive Surgical issued a warning about their da Vinci Surgical System, a device that has seen its share of complaints from those who allege the product led them to experience complications during surgery. The scissors of the system have a shaft whose distal end is in danger of suffering microcracks. When this occurs, energy… read more
Protect Yourself When In The Path Of a Storm
Consumer Reports has come out with a piece that runs down the myriad steps one can take to ensure they’re going to be prepared for an imminent hurricane. And although such a disaster isn’t likely to befall Los Angeles and the greater part of California anytime soon, much of the advice would be applicable to… read more
7,000 Husaberg and KTM Motorcycles Recalled Over Crash Threat
With summer nearly here, people across California are soon going to be pulling their motorcycles out of storage (if they haven’t already) and taking to the roads. If you own a motorcycle, it’s important to get safety issues fixed now before a hazard has a chance to crop up. If you own one of the… read more
Protect Your Children When They’re Out Playing This Summer
Although summer doesn’t officially start for another few weeks, the passage of Memorial Day in California signals the unofficial start of the season. Kids across California are itching to get out of school, and thus it’s going to be up to parents to provide constant supervision to ensure safety during outdoor activities. A new report… read more
Antihistamine Usage Could Have Consequences For Road Safety
Have you noticed an increase in the number of people with red eyes sneezing and constantly wiping their noses? As people who suffer from severe allergies can attest, allergy season is in full effect, and those who experience reactions to pet dander, pollen in the air, and anything else will reach for an antihistamine in… read more
Sterile Compounded Drugs Recalled By Main Street Over Contaminant Risk
Sterile compounded drugs are being recalled again, this time by the Newbern, Tennessee-based Main Street Family Pharmacy. All lots of these items, which were made available to doctors and patients across the country, are affected by the recall, and adverse events have already been reported in conjunction with products from three of those lots. In… read more