Cellphone Driving Ban Draws Nearer to Passage in Illinois
A ban on cellphone usage at the wheel has drawn one step closer in the state of Illinois. Yesterday, a Senate Committee approved the measure, setting the stage for a debate in front of the full legislative body. The state’s House approved the ban back in March. If the handheld cellphone driving ban becomes law,… read more
Safety Tips to Kick Off Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May is just a day away, and with motorcycles taking to the roads in ever larger droves, it’s no surprise that the month is designated as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Drivers of cars have been used to having the roads to themselves for awhile, and thus it’s important to emphasize safety even more than you… read more
Amendment Threatens to Squelch Florida Texting Ban
No sooner do we bring you word of the likelihood of a texting and driving ban in the state of Florida than one simple action place the entire matter in jeopardy. In the course of a day, proponents of the measure have gone from guarded optimism to outright worry. That’s because the Florida House today… read more
SmartDrive Study Reveals Commercial Drivers’ Distracting Habits
The San Diego-based SmartDrive Systems has released the results of a study that looked at the prevalence of distraction among the drivers of commercial vehicles. The results are somewhat disheartening, as they show that distraction is fairly common even among the drivers of vehicles whose large size makes them particularly dangerous if an errant maneuver… read more
House Passes Ban on Commercial Cellphone Driving on Florida Highways
Florida is inching closer to the passage of a ban on texting and driving at the state level, but that’s not the only distracted driving-related measure being considered by lawmakers. In fact, another law that was recently passed by the House targets the cellphone habits of commercial drivers. Specifically, the law makes it illegal for… read more
FDA Works to Protect Citizens From Antibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms
The Food and Drug Administration has grown increasingly concerned about the prevalence of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. Although antibiotics are certainly a valid treatment option when dealing with infectious organisms, over the course of time, certain organisms have developed a resistance to the very drugs meant to fight them. In a new report,… read more
Florida Governor Noncommittal on Proposed Texting and Driving Ban
The Florida government is in the midst of a debate over a texting and driving ban at the state level, but when asked about his stance on the issue, the Governor was noncommittal. Although he voiced his concern for the safety of individuals as a father and great-grandfather, he also refused to come out and… read more
Lane Splitting and Hands-Free Texting Worry California Drivers
A new article takes a look at some of the issues confronting drivers in San Jose and other environs in California. A host of questions was posed to a columnist, who then sought to enlighten citizens as to the various laws in place. For instance, one person wonders why hands-free texting is still legal despite… read more
Flagstaff, Arizona Ponders Texting and Driving Ban
The city of Flagstaff, Arizona may soon implement a ban on texting and driving. The matter will be taken up tonight by the City Council after being proposed by Flagstaff’s Transportation Commission. The issue has been debated at length for three years. As it stands now, drivers would be prevented from texting at the wheel,… read more
Piperacillin and Tazobactam for Injection Recalled Over Illness Hazard
Versions of Piperacillin and Tazobactam for Injection, USP 40.5 grams with expiration dates ranging from this month to April of next year are being recalled by Apotex Corporation and Hospira because of a possible threat to patient health. In 15 lots of this product, the IV line or bag could sustain crystallization or precipitation, a… read more
La Romanella Tortellini Recalled By Smart & Final Over Allergen Risk
The Los Angeles-based Smart & Final has announced the recall of Tri-Color Cheese Tortellini under the La Romanella brand. 2.5 pound versions of the item that were available at Smart & Final and Cash & Carry retailers in California and a handful of other states are impacted by the recall, which was issued once it… read more
Ensure Your Child Is Ready To Be Left Home Alone This Summer
May is almost here, and it won’t be long until kids are out of school. As such, many parents will make the choice to let their older children stay at home by themselves for the first time ever. It can be a nerve-wracking experience to be sure, but if you take the proper precautions as suggested… read more