Recall Issued for Wolfgang Puck Grills, Shock and Melting Cases Reported
According to recent articles from consumer reports, there was a recall issued for Wolfgang Puck grills. Problems with defected electrical wiring may pose electrical shock hazard among other things. The news source has stated that something like 27,000 items must be recalled. The overheating and even melting threat linked to the malfunctioning electrical wiring was… read more
Breast Cancer Fund Tests Canned Food, BPA Found in Many Items
According to the morning news, products tested by the Breast Cancer Fund have shown signs of containing bisphenol A also known as BPA. The items tested by the Fund’s researchers consisted on varied canned foods used in Thanksgiving dinners. The reports from the Breast Cancer Fund claim that BPA is directly linked to health effects… read more
Saturn Aura Under Investigation Due Transmission Issues
According to news from the consumer reports, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration known as NHTSA is investigating complaints regarding the Saturn Aura and its transmission. Engineers for the agency are looking into the numerous complaints stating that the vehicle fails to remain stopped when the driver selects the “Park” option. Issues with Aura’s transmission… read more
Pennsylvania Is One of The 35 States to Have Banned Texting While Driving
According to recent news reports and the Governors Highway Safety Association, Pennsylvania just passed a new law that bans any kind of cell-phone handling. Texting while driving has become an offense while on the road. It’s a well-known fact that distracted driving causes numerous accidents but the fact that the state decided to make it… read more
Fire Risk Forces Apple to Issue a Recall For First-generation iPod Nano
As it has been highly cited by various news sources lately, the first-generation iPod nano, released between September 2005 and December 2006, had to be recalled after the company noticed that the product could overheat in many cases and sometimes even turn into a fire hazard. The reports released by Apple show that the problem… read more
Chevy Volt Being Tested By the NHTSA
According to recent news, the electric charger of the Chevy Volt is under alleged investigation due to a recent house fire possibly caused by the car’s battery overheating. The issue, according to authorities, lies in the lithium ion batteries. The reports stated that while during their own crash test, the battery presented a certain fire… read more
Bikers Safety Campaign Faces Low Interest among Young Adults
According to recent news sources, two young men were allegedly caught speeding tremendously down a road while driving their motorcycles. Despite all campaigns that show bikers safety on the road does really play an important role in the overall safety of drivers, riders and pedestrians alike. According to the news source, both men were under… read more
Judge Rules That Jackson’s Lawsuit Against AEG Will Proceed
Kevin Boyle of the Los Angeles personal injury law firm was quoted in the CBS website regarding Michael Jackson’s case. The article reported that a judge ruled the Jackson family is entirely entitled to follow through with the lawsuit against AEG Live. The entertainment giant’s lawyers filed a motion to the Los Angeles Superior Court asking for… read more
Education Projects Must be Created to Include Cyclists, Pedestrians and Drivers
According to a letter from the commissioner from the Departments of Transportation, the issue related to the lack of regard from motorists and riders toward pedestrians and bicycle riders is a sad reality. He states that improved sidewalks, well maintained and better marked crosswalks, improved intersections with sharper signals, accessible space to the mobility impaired… read more
Recall Issued For Kotex Natural Balance Feminine Products
According to various news sources, the company Kimberly-Clark that manufactures the Kotex Natural Balance feminine products has issued a recall for the items that have been distributed to Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, New Mexico and Texas The product that carries the name Kotex Natural Balance* Security Unscented Tampons Regular absorbency and the codes 15063 and… read more
Exposing her Experience, Crash Survivor Hopes To Educate Drivers
According to recent news articles, the State of Alabama is looking for a better way to turn their highways into safer places for all drivers. Reports show that State Highway officials have been holding meetings to discuss the matter that affects thousands of people every day. Officials say that in the year of 2005, over… read more
Recall Issued for 1,384 Arctic Cat ATVs, Reportedly a Crash Hazard
According to recent news and consumer reports, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has announced a recall issued for all-terrain vehicles made by the Arctic Cat Inc. located in Minnesota. The off-road items have been recently under fire by the inspecting authorities since faulty steering tie-rods may possibly bend leading the rider to lose control of… read more