The Severe Consequences Of Drunk Driving
There is never a situation where drinking and driving would be appropriate. When you’ve had just a couple drinks, your judgment and your ability to react are compromised severely, and when every second counts, such as it does while at the wheel of an automobile, this can be extremely hazardous. When you insist on driving… read more
Research Shows LA Structures May Be Susceptible To Earthquake Damage
Yesterday, we talked about some of the potential shortcomings in communication that could lead to a service outage were a large-scale earthquake to strike. But what about buildings? Although many have been designed with earthquake safety in mind, that isn’t the case for all structures. This troubling line of thinking is explored at greater depth… read more
Smaller Cars Struggle To Meet The Demands Of The IIHS’s Overlap Test
While an individual may opt for a smaller automobile in order to save on gas mileage and be a bit more environmentally friendly in the process, a new report shows that there could be one drawback to these vehicles: they may not be as safe as their larger counterparts in some situations. The report from… read more
New Rule Could Offer Additional Sideswipe Protection To Children
A new rule that could soon be on the way from the United States government has the potential to improve the safety of car seats. If passed, it would join other recommendations about the LATCH systems that also seek to reduce the threat posed to children by a crash. USA Today explores the issue in… read more
Undeclared Sibutramine Prompts Warning About Dream Body Supplement
A dietary supplement should not be used because of the possible presence of an undeclared drug, a trend that has troubled the Food and Drug Administration in recent years as more and more products get recalled or receive a warning for the very same reason. This particular alert affects a weight loss item known as… read more
Choking Risk Leads to Recall of 1,900 Animal-Shaped Baby Rattles
1,900 baby rattles are being recalled by the Cannon Falls, Minnesota-based Midwest-CBK due to a possible choking threat. These items are in the shape of either a lion, bear, or a monkey. Unfortunately, it’s this shape that contributes to the possible hazard, as the head of the “animal” is in danger of falling off. If… read more
Even In Winter, Californians Must Be Aware Of Wildfire Dangers
Although it may seem inconceivable given the time of the year, a wide swath of California is dealing with what can be considered drought conditions. A state of emergency was recently declared by the Governor, and a new article relates how persons in the Santa Clarita Valley (and potentially other affected areas) may stay safe… read more
Keeping Your Kids Safe On Their Way To And From School
We’re almost to February, so no doubt your children are already back at school on a daily basis. But with winter break over and the start of the school year proper even further in the rearview mirror, this is the time when it’s easy to lose sight of proper precautions along the school route. These… read more
Report Shows Startling Lack Of Charges In Elder Abuse Cases
A new report out of Ottawa acts as a sad reminder of how few elder abuse cases actually lead to charges. The difficulties of bringing such charges to fruition should be understood, because in order to improve safety throughout the country, there need to be improvements made in this regard. This particular study found the… read more
Redwood City To Benefit From Additional CHP Attention
Drivers in the vicinity of Redwood City should be on their best behavior on the road in the coming weeks and months. That means that speed should be kept low, aggressive driving ought to be avoided, drunkenness has no place at the wheel, and cellphones and other distractions must be put away during a commute…. read more
Communication Innovations Create Hurdle For Earthquake Safety
There have been a lot of stories that have come out recently to acknowledge the 20 year anniversary of the Northridge earthquake. It’s hard to believe that two decades have passed since that watershed event in California history, but here we are. In some ways, safety has grown by leaps and bounds in the intervening… read more
Never Underestimate The Texting And Driving Danger
A worthwhile editorial out of Pennsylvania reinforces the idea that texting while driving is an action that should never take place. It does so by highlighting some of the consequences that might await an individual who chooses to text while at the wheel. The report relates one incident in which people were killed and a… read more