Separate Reports Call Chicken Safety Into Question
Chicken safety and federal agencies’ ability to ensure such has come under fire from two new reports that highlight the somewhat disappointing state of the industry. The Los Angeles Times has related both findings in a new article. The Pew Charitable Trusts report concerns itself more with addressing the lack of authority currently provided to… read more
Possible Lack of Sterility Leads to Abrams Royal Pharmacy Recall
Numerous sterile items are being recalled by Abrams Royal Pharmacy because of the possibility that the products in question may not in fact be sterile. The move comes on the heels of a situation in California in which someone provided with a compounded drug ended up experiencing adversity that could have been a result of… read more
11,250 Suspension Forks Recalled By California Company Over Fall Risk
Suspension forks for mountain bikes are being recalled by a company based in California because of a possible fall threat the items could pose. The recall was issued by the Watsonville-based Fox Factory and pertains to 34 and 32 Evolution Series suspension forks of the 2013 model year that will have the FOX logo placed… read more
Distracted Walking Makes An Appierance
We’ve talked before about how distracted walking has grown to become a serious issue in an era dominated by smartphone usage, but a new report is so outlandish that it begs to be talked about. The incident in question, which took place in Australia, involved a woman reportedly so intent on checking her Facebook that… read more
Ensure Safe Travels In Snowy Environments
Many citizens of California are getting ready for cross country trips this weekend as they head out to spend Christmas and New Year’s Eve with family members. If you fall into this category, then there’s always the chance that you could come across some of the dangerous weather the winter can create. While driving in… read more
Avert Slip and Fall Risks Within Your Home
Slip and fall incidents can happen to anyone, but perhaps no one is more at risk than seniors. Rather than simply wait for a dangerous situation to take place, there are ways to ensure that the risk of an incident is minimized. A new report provides some tips on setting oneself up to avoid a… read more
Verify The Safety Of Your Garage Door
If it’s been quite some time since you’ve installed your garage door, then maybe you haven’t thought about whether or not it’s working in the safest manner possible. Over time, various things can go wrong to undermine the adequacy of the unit, and you want to make sure to get the proper maintenance carried out… read more
Protect Young Children From Choking On Christmas Morning
Parents who are celebrating Christmas with young children in the home have to make sure that the holiday festivities don’t create choking threats for those kids. This can be difficult, especially for those new parents who up until now haven’t had to think much about those parts of the season that could pose a risk… read more
2,622 International ProStar Sleeper Cabs Recalled Over Crash Risk
International ProStar sleeper cabs of the 2013 and 2014 model years are being recalled by Navistar because of an issue with the chassis skirts, which could have one of four different feature codes (16XSA through 16XSD). The S-brackets on the upper horizontal supports of these components could come into contact with the fuel tank in… read more
El Centro Parents Receive Car Seat Safety Advice
This past Monday, parents in the vicinity of El Centro, California were able to benefit from a car seat safety check put on by the local Kiwanis Club and the California Highway Patrol. A Senator who was on hand for the event noted that, with a fatality taking place in traffic every three hours or… read more
Laceration Risk Prompts Recall of 218,000 Cocktail Glasses
Cocktail glasses are being recalled by the Toledo, Ohio-based Libbey Glass because of a possible laceration hazard these items could create. 218,000 glasses under the Bristol Valley brand with a model number of 8555SR are impacted by the recall, which was issued upon the discovery that this glassware could break during usage, a situation that… read more
Restaurants Must Enact Hand Washing Policies To Protect Patrons
Last week, we reported on the somewhat disturbing findings compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention upon examining restaurants across the country, including right here in California. They discovered situations in which meat thermometers weren’t being used to verify the temperature of items, workers were coming in to work with an illness exhibited… read more