Improving Safety Attentiveness Among Tree Farm Employees
Halloween is in the past, which means that people are likely already looking ahead to Christmas. While some are focused on getting their holiday shopping done, others are paying more attention to picking out the perfect tree to stuff gifts beneath. As tree farms gear up for the upcoming season, it’s important that full-time and… read more
FDA Explains The Necessity Of Obtaining The Right Hearing Aid
If you ever find that you have trouble hearing, it’s essential that you get the issue checked out, as it could perhaps be indicative of a serious medical issue. The Food and Drug Administration explains why this is so important in a new consumer health update. The FDA notes that the problem could range from… read more
Fire Safety Essential As Temperatures Drop
Another article, this one out of Missoula, Montana, seeks to offer advice geared toward keeping citizens safe as they heat their homes in the coming months. The Fire Marshal of that area notes that something as simple as keeping the area around both space heaters and heating vents free of debris is an important step… read more
FourTrax TRX500 Foreman ATVs Recalled By Honda Over Crash Risk
The Torrance, California-based American Honda Motor Company has announced the recall of two different models of FourTrax TRX500 Foreman ATVs due to a possible crash hazard posed to riders. On FM and FE models of these vehicles of the 2012 and 2013 model years, there’s a possibility that breakage of the steering shaft could take… read more
Guilty Plea From Janssen In Wake Of Misbranding Accusations
Accusations about the introduction of a misbranded drug have led to a guilty plea by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a branch of Johnson & Johnson. The company will have to pay a $400 criminal penalty and a $1.25 billion civil settlement in relation to events surrounding a drug called Risperdal. That drug was approved ten years ago… read more
Human and Pet Medications Are Not Interchangeable
One of the biggest challenges for pet owners is figuring both when an animal should be provided with some type of pain medication and what type of drug is acceptable for them. Rather than simply providing pets with the same pain medication than an owner would themselves take, citizens must realize that not all medications… read more
Spotless Track Records Don’t Make Distracted Driving Acceptable
Distracted driving is one of those threats that many people may understand but that they seem to overlook anyway. Persons who have been able to text or talk on their cellphones consistently without being in an accident themselves may think that their own abilities are substantially better than those drivers around them. This creates an… read more
CHP Cracks Down On Pedestrian Endangerment In Sacramento
A recent Sacramento-based operation designed to reduce those incidents that could lead to a pedestrian collision has apparently been successful, with 45 people receiving a ticket from a law enforcement official. The endeavor took place this past Saturday and was overseen by the California Highway Patrol. To catch motorists who failed to respect the rights… read more
Orange County May Create Database For Dangerous Dogs
Communities make note of where sex offenders live in a given area, but officials with Orange County hope to put together a similar database focused not on sex offenders but on dogs that have been involved in violent incidents. The Los Angeles Times explores Orange County’s proposal in a new article. A County Supervisor explained… read more
Undeclared Allergen Risk Leads Vallejo Company to Recall Caesar Salads
The Vallejo, California-based Ghiringhelli Foods has announced the recall of a product that would have only been available at Trader Joe’s retailers in Carson City, Reno, and various parts of Northern California. The recall affects Caesar Salads under the Trader Giotto’s brand. 709 products from one particular lot are impacted by the recall, which was… read more
43,500 Genesis Vehicles Recalled By Hyundai Over Crash Hazard
Genesis automobiles of the 2009 through 2012 model years are being recalled by Hyundai because of a potential crash hazard posed. The recall pertains to 43,500 vehicles. The Hydraulic Electronic Control Unit is reportedly in danger of corroding due to inadequacies of the brake fluid contained within these particular vehicles. If that unit were to… read more
Candelabra LED Bulbs Recalled By Los Angeles Company Over Fire Risk
The Los Angeles-based Infinity Green has announced the recall of two models of candelabra LED light bulbs. The recall affects model UDC3WW and UDC3CW. It encompasses around 2,000 bulbs that were available from multiple online retailers and via the Heartland America catalogue. These products, which were sold between this past June and October, are in… read more