Landmark Case:
Beltran v. Boeing, et al.
The Settlement:
$13.5 Million
Trial attorney(s):
Practice Areas:
Case Synopsis:
A Los Angeles judge approved a settlement against Boeing and other companies associated with the manufacturing of the Apache Longbow helicopter amounting to $13.5 million. Brian Panish represented Juan Beltran and Ron Carns, the lead plaintiffs in the case, who sustained catastrophic spinal injuries as a result of the August 2003 crash. The accident occurred during a maintenance flight and resulted when the aircraft’s gearbox failed.
While the U.S. Army is immune from liability, the manufacturers of aircraft and aircraft parts are not. Boeing Company, Honeywell International Inc., Chadwick-Helmuth Electronics Inc., MPB Corp., and Aircraft Gear Corp were, therefore, all deemed responsible for faulty manufacturing, and ordered to pay more than $13.5 million in damages to Beltran and Carns. Specifically, it was determined that the helicopter’s gearbox and accelerometer were the cause for malfunction and subsequent crash. Beltran is now a quadriplegic as a result of the spinal injuries he sustained during the crash. Carns had to consequently have a metal device inserted in his neck and back. Beltran’s apportionment of the Settlement was $11.28 million, while Carns was awarded $2.3 million.
Beltran v. Boeing, et al. Case Articles:

Injured When Their Helicopter Crashed, Survivors Sued Over Faulty Manufacturing.
Other Publications:
Business News
Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP Announces That Court Approves Largest Known Settlement for Military Personnel Injured During War in Iraq: Major Settlement with Manufacturers of Army’s Apache Longbow Helicopter.
The Spinal Cord Injury Zone
Court approves $13.5M personal injury settlement against Boeing and others over Iraq Apache Longbow accident.
Seattle PI
Boeing, others settle with soldiers injured in a helicopter crash.
FOX News
$13.5M Settlement in Army Copter Crash.
Boeing To Pay $13.5M To Settle Soldiers’ Lawsuit.