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Riverside Work Injury Attorney

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Work or occupational injuries can debilitate an employee for life. What an employer does to protect his or her staff members can decide whether an employee suffers major injuries at work. Failing to reasonably prevent workplace accidents, illnesses, injuries, and deaths is negligence, and could give the injured victim or surviving loved one’s grounds for a lawsuit. You will need to seek the council of an experienced Riverside work injury lawyer about your case.

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Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP has extensive experience in representing plaintiffs in Riverside, California work injury and workers compensation cases. We understand the common causes of workplace injuries and can help you fight for fair compensation. Our skill, experience, and commitment to justice can enable you to go beyond workers’ compensation and secure the recovery you truly deserve. Call us today for your free consultation with our Riverside workers compensation lawyer! (310) 477-1700

What are Some Common Causes of Riverside Work Injuries?

In 2016 (the most recent year data was available), 376 workers died in fatal occupational accidents in the state of California. Thousands of others suffered serious injuries from on-the-job hazards. Our law firm hopes one day these numbers will be much smaller. Until then, however, we come to the aid of injured employees who may not fully understand their rights and legal options. If any of the following factors caused your Riverside work injury, contact us about a possible case against the at-fault party:

  • Employer negligence. Employers may try to pressure workers, save money, or cut corners to optimize the company’s profitability. Unsafe acts such as improperly training workers or failing to provide protective gear could culminate in a work environment that isn’t secure for workers. It may be possible to file a claim against your employer for negligence under the right circumstances.
  • Coworker carelessness. Others that work with you might have caused or contributed to your injuries through acts of carelessness such as breaking the rules of the workplace or intentionally trying to cause you harm. Your employer will generally be responsible for the actions of coworkers who are on-duty at the time of the accident.
  • Unsafe premises. Many Riverside work accidents come from property defects or hazards. Slip and fall accidents, animal attacks, crimes, accidental poisoning, burns, and building collapses are examples of premises liability accidents that could injure or kill unsuspecting workers. It is the property owner’s legal responsibility to maintain the premises for workers and passersby.
  • Equipment malfunctions. Sometimes, work accidents aren’t the fault of an employer or coworker, but of a product or equipment manufacturer. Crane failures in the construction industry, power tool malfunctions, auto defects, and unreasonably dangerous materials (such as drywall containing asbestos) are all examples of defective products that could lead to a lawsuit.

All work-related injuries are cause for a conversation with a Riverside workers compensation attorney. Even if you experience repetitive-motion injuries such as carpal tunnel or back strain, talk to a lawyer about potential financial compensation. Your employer and/or another party could be liable for your damages for negligently failing to prevent your injuries.

Riverside work injury lawyer

California Workers’ Compensation System

The California workers’ compensation system will provide financial coverage for injured employees who sustain their injuries while performing work-related tasks. Employees who file can receive payment for their medical bills, disability costs, and two-thirds of lost wages in exchange for surrendering the right to bring a claim against an employer. Before you give up your right to file against your employer, however, discuss your case with Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP.

Experienced Riverside Work Injury Attorney – Contact Us Today!

Filing a personal injury claim will almost always result in a greater financial award than a workers’ compensation case. With help from our experienced lawyers, you can maximize your recovery through aggressive workers compensation settlement negotiations and/or going to trial in pursuit of a judgment award. We have everything you need for a strong Riverside work accident claim.

Call (951) 363-2410 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation today!

How Can We Help You?

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with an attorney from our firm, please call us at (310) 477-1700 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and we will get back to you.

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