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Posted on March 30, 2012

Big Movers Toy Truck Recalled Over Potential Fire Hazard

I have word of yet another recall leading into the weekend. This particular recall was announced by Happy Shirts, a Honolulu-based company.  That company has a line of t-shirts that were sold at Kohl’s, but it’s not the shirt that poses a safety risk.  The safety hazard actually comes from a toy truck gift that was… read more

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Posted on March 30, 2012

Webasto Recalls Sun Roofs Equipped on Hollandia Vehicles

Webasto Product North America Inc. is recalling some of their Hollandia passenger vehicles due to a defect detected in the sunroof supplied by Restyling Concepts.  The specific vehicles in question are Hollandia 600, 700, and TVS 900.  Five units are affected by this particular recall. The problem that has been brought to light involves gradual… read more

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Posted on March 30, 2012

FDA Says No Evidence Exists That Shows BPA is Dangerous

Even as studies continue to be carried out and hypotheses tested, the Food and Drug Administration has come out and said that they can find no evidence that BPA would pose a danger to humans. This issue has risen to the fore in recent months and years, with consumer advocates pointing to animal studies that… read more

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Posted on March 29, 2012

CPSC Safer Product Website Reaches One Year Anniversary

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has just reached a milestone.  Their website has now been in service for precisely one year. The database found on that site lets concerned persons search for any relevant recall information as well as post their own complaints directly to the site.  6,000 reports were submitted to the site… read more

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Posted on March 29, 2012

Petition to FDA Seeks Genetically Engineered Food Label

A campaign to get genetically engineered foods labelled as such by the Food and Drug Administration looks to be gaining support. The Just Label It Campaign has filed a petition with the FDA to make such labeling a rule, and they have released a statement claiming that more than one million people have pledged their… read more

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Posted on March 29, 2012

FDA May Force Metal Hip Implants to Undergo More Testing

The Food and Drug Administration might soon be imposing stiffer rules on a certain medical device. It was announced today that the FDA would meet on June 27 and 28 to consider whether or not they should require metal on metal hip implants to face additional testing if such devices aim to gain approval by… read more

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Posted on March 29, 2012

FDA Seeks Injunction Against California Sea Food Company

The Food and Drug Administration is moving forward with plans to shut down a seafood distributor that they say is endangering public health. A permanent injunction is being sought by the FDA against Fujino Enterprises Inc., more commonly known as Blue Ocean Smokehouse, a company based out of Half Moon Bay.    That injunction would… read more

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Posted on March 29, 2012

Choking Hazard Prompts Feels Real Baby Doll Recall

Another children’s product to add to an ever-growing list of defective products shipped from China. This particular recall concerns Carson-based importer Lakeshore Learning Materials’s Feels Real Baby Dolls.  Around 4,300 dolls are affected by the announcement throughout North America, with a majority of the units residing in the United States. The issue has to do… read more

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Posted on March 28, 2012

Salmonella Risk Forces Club Chef Salsa Recall

Another recall to report to you this afternoon, this time of a food product that may contain salmonella. The recall concerns various salsa products: Private Selection 12 ounce and Heinen’s 16 ounce brand salsa.  Both of these brands fall under the banner of Club Chef LLC.  The salsa products were recalled after it was discovered… read more

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Posted on March 28, 2012

Pennsylvania Bike Law Aims to Make Roads Safer for Cyclists

Pennsylvania is doing its part to make local roads safer for bicyclists. On April 2, a law will go into effect that is designed to improve the flow of traffic while keeping bike riders safe from harm.  Residents of the state are being encouraged to learn more about the new rules being instituted so that… read more

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Posted on March 28, 2012

Airline Electronic Usage Violations Could Carry Civil Penalties

We’re likely all aware that airlines have guidelines in place that prohibit the usage of electronic devices during takeoff.  Such offenses usually illicit a scolding, or if the passenger is belligerent, being kicked off of the flight.  But one airport might begin imposing a financial penalty on those passengers who are the worst offenders. The… read more

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Posted on March 28, 2012

SOUND to Prevent Medical Devices Based Off Recalled Designs

An act being considered by the Senate and the House of Representatives takes aim at medical devices whose design was based off of previously recalled products. The Safety of Untested and New Devices Act, known as SOUND, was brought about largely because of complications with a transvaginal mesh implant that had numerous complications.  The issue… read more

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