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Posted on October 5, 2011

PG&E Not Up to Federal Standards

Pacific Gas and Electric Co’s safety systems have called for concern from federal investigators due to poor record keeping, according to recent news reports. And expert on pipeline safety said, “The system that is used in Pacific Gas and Electric CO.’s transmission system for gas and fuel is flawed in such a way that it doesn’t… read more

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Posted on October 4, 2011

Table Saw Safety: To Have or To Have Not

Table saw safety is an issue in this country, with nearly 3,500 people in the United States losing a digit or worse to one every year, according to recent news sources. The Consumer Product Safety Commission is trying to implement new rules and regulations so that table saw could be made more safe for the… read more

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Posted on October 4, 2011

CPSC Calls For More Safety Equipment at Public Pools

On Wednesday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission approved a pool-safety rule in a 3-2 vote, according to news sources. If this new rule is implemented, owners of thousands of public pools all over the USA will be required to buy extra safety equipment for their pools to make sure that their pools are actually safe… read more

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Posted on October 4, 2011

GM Introduces New Safety Features

General Motors has introduced two new safety methods that can be used in modern day cars, according to recent news sources. These are an alert system used in the event of a crash, which is camera based, while other system is an airbag that can inflate between front seats and protect the driver and the… read more

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Posted on October 4, 2011

Truckers May Face Cell Phone Ban

At the beginning of September, a notice was issued by National Transportation Safety Board stating that all the 3.7 million commercial drivers in the United States should not be allowed to use cellphones while driving, according to news reports. Studies were conducted and results were administered by the National Transportation Safety Board that clearly showed… read more

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Posted on October 3, 2011

Car Maintenance Tips for the Winter Months

With the winter months approaching, cars require safety checks to make sure they are prepared for harsher weather. The following are three maintenance steps you can take in order to ensure your vehicle is safe. -Inspect your tires – all five of them. It’s important to check not only the four tires that are currently… read more

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Posted on September 30, 2011

Drive Safely Work Week Combats Distracted Driving

In order to prevent distracted driving, The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety and the Department of Transportation are sponsoring Drive Safely Work Week, lasting through October 7, according to recent news sources. There are three different types of driver distraction: visual, manual (hands off the wheel), and cognitive (letting your mind be distracted by… read more

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Posted on September 27, 2011

ASPCA Advises Against Dogs in Pickup Beds

Although traveling with your canine friends in the back of a pickup truck may seem easy and convenient, and perhaps even fun for the dog, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals strongly warns against it, according to recent news sources. “When you drive with a loose dog in the back of… read more

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Posted on September 23, 2011

Johnson & Johnson Adds Eprex Anemia Drug to Recall List

Johnson & Johnson is conducting yet another recall, this time of its Eprex anemia drug, due to a lack of potency, according to recent news sources. The recall affects about 200,000 syringes of the Eprex anemia drug. The drug is sold at the wholesale and pharmacy level. Johnson & Johnson believes most of the product… read more

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Posted on September 21, 2011

New Test Will Detect Heparin Contaminants

Researchers have developed a simple test to determine the safety of heparin, a blood thinner, according to news sources. In 2008, several people died and many more were seriously injured after receiving dosages of heparin that had been altered with oversulfated chondroitin sulfate (OSCS), a synthetic dietary supplement that can be taken to treat osteoarthritis…. read more

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Posted on September 21, 2011

New Guide to Prevent Work-Related Construction Injuries

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, in cooperation with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health have issued a new set of guidelines to help those in the construction industry avoid work-related nail gun accidents and injuries, according to news sources. The text, called Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors, is expected… read more

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Posted on September 20, 2011

NHTSA Reexamines Defective Jeep

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has stepped up an investigation involving the Chrysler Jeep Liberty after receiving more reports of rear lower control arm failures, according to news sources. The investigation began last April and the NHTSA has received 13 total complaints about the defective lower control arm. Three of the drivers reported losing… read more

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