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Posted on August 31, 2011

Safety Tips for Driving After a Hurricane (Part 1)

In the wake of Hurricane Irene, safety experts recommend that people proceed cautiously as they venture out after a hurricane. Being a Los Angeles car accident lawyer, I know how important it is to exercise caution when driving after a storm. Here are some important driving safety tips to keep in mind after inclement weather:… read more

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Posted on August 31, 2011

Tips to Help Prevent Children from Dying in Hot Cars

With Labor Day approaching and signaling the end of summer holidays, it is important to remember that warm weather car safety is still important to help keep kids safe and healthy, report news sources. Outside temperatures do not have to be at record highs to put children at risk of becoming overheated; even temperatures that… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

Federal Regulators Propose New Safety Rules for Truckers

Federal trucking regulators are proposing new safety rules that will reduce the number of hours that truckers can spend on the road during a shift and increase required break times, report news sources. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is looking to lower the allowable driving time for interstate truckers to 10 hours (down from… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

NTSB Finds PG&E Exploited Lax Oversight Prior to 2010 Blast

News sources stated that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found that PG&E Corp. exploited the lax regulatory oversight and implemented flawed materials in one of their natural-gas pipelines, resulting in the 2010 San Bruno explosion that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. Chairman of the NTSB Deborah Hersman said that inadequate recordkeeping and… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

EMSL Analytical Provides Testing to Prevent Food Pathogens

News agencies reported that over 8,000 packages of smoked salmon were recalled last week due to potential Listeria contamination. A month earlier, Listeria caused the recall of packaged 5 and 7-layer dips. EMSL Analytical, a foodborne pathogen-testing firm, is now available across the nation to aid food companies in testing their products for pathogens, allowing… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

Seat Breakage Risk Prompts Recall of Playsafe Swing Set

In a news release Tuesday, Pacific Cycle Inc., in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, announced the voluntary recall of a swing set due to breakage issue with some of the seats, posing a fall hazard. Subject to recall are approximately 5,500 Playsafe Dartmouth Swing Sets. The sling-style seat on the swing set… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

Nurofen Plus Supplies Allegedly Sabotaged, Spurs Recall

In a press release, the UK-based pharmaceutical manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser announced that they have ceased the production and distribution of their Nurofen Plus due to the suspicion of tampering and sabotage. The British Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) issued a Class 1 drug alert to consumers and healthcare professionals based on five reported… read more

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Posted on August 30, 2011

NHTSA Rejects Call for National School Bus Seatbelt Law

News sources reported that the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a rejected a petition from the Center for Auto Safety and the National Coalition for School Bus Safety that called for national mandate to install seatbelts on all school buses. According to the Coalition, approximately 500,000 public school buses will carry children around 4.2… read more

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Posted on August 26, 2011

Asian Honey Banned in Europe Floods US Food Market

Media sources reported that a third or more of the honey eaten in the US is likely to have been smuggled from China and is potentially tainted with illegal antibiotics and heavy metals. Research shows that millions of pounds of honey that has been deemed unsafe in dozens of countries are being imported and sold… read more

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Posted on August 26, 2011

E. Coli Levels Rise in Swim Areas Nationwide

Recent studies from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show that bacterial contamination in the recreational waters of the US is becoming a serious problem. E. coli contamination comes from the presence of fecal matter in water. At public pools and water parks, the source of the bacteria is usually human feces. E. coli found in… read more

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Posted on August 26, 2011

Personal Massage Device Kills Patient, FDA Issues Warning

In a press release, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning of life-threatening injury for the ShoulderFlex therapeutic massager, produced by King International LLC, after the device killed one person and almost strangled another. The report requests that healthcare providers cease their recommendations of the device and urges consumers that have purchased… read more

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Posted on August 26, 2011

FDA Bans Mexican Papayas Due to High Salmonella Percentage

News sources reported that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) shut the American border to Mexican papayas Thursday because 15.6 percent of the imported fruit was found to be positive for Salmonella between May 12 and August 18. According to the FDA, the samples that tested positive were taken from 28 separate firms from… read more

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