Texting Investigation Influences North Carolina Lawmaker to Act
Much ink has been expended detailing the assumed difficulties of enforcing texting and driving laws when cellphone usage is still a legal offense. A news station in Charlotte, North Carolina noticed this trend and sought to get to the bottom of it. More importantly, though, their investigation has apparently opened the eyes of one lawmaker,… read more
South Dakota Texting and Driving Ban Fails to Earn Necessary Votes
Hopes for a texting and driving ban at the state level in South Dakota have been squashed by the House Judiciary Committee. The bill, which had previously been passed by the Senate, failed to muster the votes necessary to be put forth in front of the entire House. This is despite the fact that 18… read more
Oklahoma Capitol Draws Proponents of State Texting Ban
Oklahoma lawmakers are in the process of considering whether or not the time is ripe for the state to outlaw texting while at the wheel. And as they mull that important decision, supporters took the time yesterday to come to the state capitol in Oklahoma City to explain why such a law was essential at… read more
Supporters Encourage Texas Lawmakers to Ban Texting and Driving
Texas is one of the only states that has yet to pass a ban on texting while driving, but that could change if some lawmakers get their way. Yesterday, persons directly impacted by distracted driving were on hand to urge legislators to consider passing a measure that would make texting illegal. They appeared in front… read more
Warning Period For Ohio Texting and Driving Ban Draws To a Close
At the end of this week, drivers in Ohio may experience a rude awakening if they insist on texting while at the wheel. That’s because a warning period on a recently passed texting and driving ban will cease. Starting March 1, anyone caught engaging in the dangerous practice could instead find themselves on the receiving… read more
Cacophony of Voices Call Upon Florida to Ban Texting and Driving
In Florida, legislation that has attempted to crack down on texting while driving has thus far failed to gain the support necessary to reach passage. As such, the state has remained one of the final holdouts in the battle to curb the dangerous practice. However, proponents of the ban are many this year, and the… read more
Rhode Island Proposal Calls For Tough Texting and Driving Penalties
In Rhode Island, one lawmaker is concerned that drivers aren’t taking the state’s anti-texting and driving legislation seriously enough. She thus has introduced a bill in the House that would make the penalties for texting at the wheel far stricter than they currently are. If the bill is passed as is and an offender is… read more
Oklahoma House Committee Approves Texting and Driving Ban
Oklahoma is one of the few holdouts that have yet to pass a ban on texting and driving. Three lawmakers saw the need for such a bill and thus combined their proposals into one measure that would address the dangerous practice, and now, the ban has come one step closer to becoming law. Earlier this… read more
Hands-Free Texting Ban Worries Some With Its Implications
A bill recently introduced by an Assemblyman from Oakley has some Californians up in arms. Distracted driving laws in the state work as follows: texting at the wheel is illegal, as is using a handheld phone to carry on a conversation. But exemptions are currently made for texting and talking on a voice-activated device that… read more
Arizona Texting and Driving Ban’s Chances at Passage Look Bleak
Numerous texting while driving bans are being considered around the country, but things look bleak for one potential law. In Arizona, the time is running out for a ban that would crack down on the dangerous practice of texting at the wheel, and supporters of the measure are perturbed. The Senate will consider bills up… read more
Virginia Texting and Driving Ban Awaits Signature of Governor
Texting while driving may soon be penalized more stringently in Virginia. A ban on the act has just cleared another hurdle, and now all that remains is for the Governor to veto the act or sign it into law. The House Bill passed by a 28 to 12 margin in the Senate yesterday. The measure… read more
Iowa May Soon Toughen Its Distracted Driving Laws
Texting while driving is illegal in the state of Iowa, but it’s only a secondary offense, meaning that vehicle operators can’t be pulled over unless a police officer sees them engaging in some other illegal act first. However, that could change if a bill being considered by the state’s Senate is passed. Currently being mulled… read more